Enhancing Out-of-Home Ads with Eye-Catching Billboard Extensions


The Project X Newsletter: Volume XLVI

Even though Masks are finally “in season”, it is important to remember a few safety tips for Halloween 2021.

“Take the candy prize, then sanitize”- Since the corona virus is MOSTLY spread through respiratory droplets, it is technically okay to go trick or treating, as long as we stay sanitized!

If you are going to a party, and we aren’t sure who is vaccinated or who is not, it’s important to wear a mask just to be safe. You truly never know.

Outdoor activities are the SAFEST this year. Spend the weekend pumpkin picking, going to a corn maze, and outdoor haunted house, or go for a hayride. These are still wonderful traditions during fall, and this year is definitely the time to practice those traditions if you haven’t in the past.

Now that a lot of major Holidays are approaching, it may be tough to change up our original traditions, but it’s all about how we look at the situation. Maybe during thanksgiving you’ll realize what you’re TRULY thankful for. Maybe you'll understand the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” - Mary Engelbreit

Out-of-Home Update: Programmatic OOH

It’s been a few months since we updated our readers on programmatic OOH and since then, we have activated an spectaucular programmatic campaign across both the US & UK. For this campaign, PJX partnered with Glossier to launch their new bronzer, Solar Paint, across DOOH in 11 markets globally. This campaign was their first programmatic DOOH campaign, which aired in the Top 10 US DMAs plus London, UK.  The campaign featured Glossier's signature, eye-catching creative across cherry picked digital spectaculars as well as programmatic digital street furniture/bulletins. The short one-week blitz campaign delivered over 60M targeted impressions and ran across 120K+ screens.  Overall, the campaign was a great success over delivering in all aspects and driving measurable results.

As we rapidly appraoch the end of 2021, programmatic has certainly made it’s way into more conversations, briefs, and OOH media plans that ever before. It creates an incredible opportunity for brands to influence potential customers with contextually relevant messaging, capitalizing on increased consumer mobility. This doesn’t mean that traditional, direct OOH buying should be abandoned, but programmatic as a DOOH layer with audience & behavioral targeting should certainly be considered to round out the out-of-home media mix. Utilizing multiple OOH platforms only helps to break through the clutter and create ubiquity around brand messaging.

 And while we have more insights than we did six months ago, there continue to be questions around programmatic OOH and how/when to best integrate it across brands and verticals. What are the major differentiators between DSPs in the space? What inventory is available on what platform? Who is leading the sector in growth? As we continue to explore the space and find ways to deliver best-in-class media solutions for our clients, we will keep this topic at the forefront.

If you’d like to learn more about programmatic OOH by speaking with our team of strategists & planners, please reach out to hello@pjxmedia.com

Out-of-Home Spotlight: Billboard Extensions

Billboard Extensions are embellishments to static billboards that allow you to utilize the space surrounding your billboard. You can either make your billboard larger in height and width or have certain elements of your design extend past the face of your billboard. For example, depending on the market and location, you can potentially extend a 14’ high x 48’ wide billboard to 19’ high x 52’ wide! Talk about impact! Creating a larger rectangular space for your creative team will win you kudos but where we feel extensions really shine is when design elements extend off the face of your billboard. Check out the examples below and please reach out to us to discuss incorporating extensions into your next billboard buy.

MasterClass uses extensions, well, masterfully.

MasterClass uses extensions, well, masterfully.

The Kraken is released from the binds of a 14' x 48' billboard!

The Kraken is released from the binds of a 14' x 48' billboard!

"Living Rangerously" off the top of this billboard.

"Living Rangerously" off the top of this billboard.

Campaign Freeze Frame

Catch the subway as you walk passed this eye catching Athena Club Billboard

Catch the subway as you walk passed this eye catching Athena Club Billboard

Wait for the bus or walk passed this shelter as you notice this beautiful Athena Club poster

Wait for the bus or walk passed this shelter as you notice this beautiful Athena Club poster

Notice these bold Athena Club signs in the Bedford Ave Subway Station.

Notice these bold Athena Club signs in the Bedford Ave Subway Station.

News & Views

Advertisers, get ready to own the streets again with DOOH (via The Drum) Jenni Baker discusses the major progress in OOH since the pandemic first hi and how DOOH offers quicker and easier ways to apply that outdoor and in-person experience.

Post-COVID, OOH has perfect opportunity to shine - (Via the Drum) With Holiday Season right around the corner, Kevin Demask predicts that this year is “the year” for OOH. Last year a lot of people were staying home and online shopping, whereas this year, more will be out and about, wanting more of a sense of “normality”, interacting with in person ads.

NFTS TAKE OVER ICONIC NYC BILLBOARD AS CRYPTO FINDS ITS WAY TO OUT-OF-HOME ADS - (Via AdAge). The billboard launch coincides with the 13th anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin whitepaper, the original proposal for the cryptocurrency. That’s why the 105 words displayed on the billboard after its “hello world” introduction are the same words that Nakamoto wrote in the Bitcoin whitepaper’s abstract.


Reaching Travel Audiences: OOH Campaigns That Convert


The Rise of Digital Activations in Out-of-Home Ads