OOH Vote to Count Case Study


Reach as many Americans as possible in the two months leading up to Election Day to help celebrate the diversity of the American electorate and drive Americans to the polls. Copy declared all labels mattered, but on Election Day the only label that counted was “Voter”.


This campaign leveraged OOH’s many dynamic formats and versatile messaging capabilities. More than 3,000 OOH digital and static placements were donated in 25+ markets. Creative directed traffic to VoteToCount.com, and once on the site, people could access their state’s voter registration pages and select a social label generator “Voter” or a custom “label”. Users could upload their profile picture and save their label to their mobile device or directly upload it to various social networks. Originally, the site directed people to voter registration sites for all 50 states. During Advertising Week in New York, digital billboards in Times Square and digital buses in Manhattan targeted media professionals with custom labels. During the last presidential debate in Las Vegas, digital billboards were updated to feature labels to which debate watchers could relate. When many state deadlines for voter registration past, the campaign focused messaging more generally on encouraging people to vote on Election Day.


Since the launch, the site received nearly 4,000 sessions. On average, users spent 2.3 minutes per session on the site, an extremely high amount of time for online engagement. More than 67% of website visitors were “direct,” which means they typed the URL into their web browsers, while 54 % of the sessions resulted in an on-site action, either registering to vote, producing labels to share socially, or updating a Facebook profile picture with the moniker “Voter.” The campaign will end on November 8.


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