Jenni Kane OOH Case Study

Known for its elevated, classic, relaxed wardrobe staples, Jenni Kayne wanted to increase sales and awareness growth for its website, social channels and new brick-and-mortar showroom in TriBeCa. The brand had used digital channels featuring the women in their messaging and video content to drive campaign awareness (social, media and press), but they had never used OOH before coming to PJX.
The launch campaign “Find Your Uniform” was planned and activated within a month. Concentrated in key areas of Manhattan, OOH featured Street Furniture (phone kiosks and Links), “dedicated hit” wild posting sites, and two Spectaculars in SoHo. Messaging featured ”real” women Phoebe Tonkin, Lara Worthington and Tylynn Ngyuyen dressed in simple clothing like jeans and sweaters – i.e., their uniforms. The idea is that they’re just being themselves. In one of the images Nguyen is captured breastfeeding her newborn.
The brand saw a triple digit increase in sales as the OOH campaign received much press and went viral with many people sharing images of the real-life OOH placements in Instagram stories and in their feeds. Several posts featured the widely used hashtag #normalizebreastfeeding, and it even gained the attention of celebrities and influencers; Kristen Bell, Hannah Bronfman, Lauren Bush Lauren, Meredith Melling, Athena Calderone and Cristina Eherlich are among the women who shared the IRL imagery on social media.