OOH Uncut Podcast: Kelsey Bernert

Kelsey Bernert, Founding Partner, Daybreak Studios, joins host Rick Robinson, CEO, PJX Media, on OOH Uncut, the podcast featuring thought leaders in the Out of Home advertising world.


September 12, 2023

Kelsey Bernert Discussion on OOH Uncut Podcast with Rick Robinson

Rick Robinson: Hello everybody. Rick Robinson here with PJX Media. And today, my guest is Kelsey Bernert, she's the co-founder of Daybreak Studios out of the Pacific Northwest, they have offices in Seattle and Portland. Say Hello, Kelsey

Kelsey Bernert: Hi Rick, thanks for having me. It's nice to be here and see you.

Rick Robinson: Likewise and we're delighted to have you. And I'm going to start with the question. I've been asking everybody here in season one, which is What can out of home do that no other medium can do?

Kelsey Bernert: I mean, in today's hyperdigital, world out of home clearly can reach everyone just with its broad awareness play, it's out there. It's not as finely targeted as a digital, programmatic Social ad, you're not as in fine control of your audience, which is refreshing in so many ways with out of home. It's just there for the people to take in

Rick Robinson: So let me dive into that a little bit because I've heard this from other guests, the fact that out of home is involuntarily in a way out in public space. People have said that when youre out there you discover it.

Kelsey Bernert: Yeah.

Rick Robinson: There's serendipity to it. it's real media for real people. And that you called it refreshing. Why do you think it's refreshing for people to see out of home media?

Kelsey Bernert: okay, and I think it's refreshing as long as agencies creative teams, understand the responsibility in that space out of home. But I think it's nice because it's you are encountering it as you are away from your screen as you're out in the world, you might be in a car, you might be hopping on transit but you are taking a break physically from from your phone, you are looking out into the world which is just What we need to do is people more often, who are sucking these workspaces. And so when you are out exploring and you Are in a public space and see out of home. It's just

Kelsey Bernert: it captures your attention in a completely different way. And I think not that it's unexpected or surprised because it's a format that's I've been around for ages, but it's something that it's like it can be art and it can resonate with people good or bad and it's kind of one of those things. Depending on what you encounter in the out of home space, you might like it, you might not and you can have an opinion about it. And I think with mobile ads tiktok, snapchat, everything is so targeted to you that there's not always time to disagree with yourself or not to like creative or a point of view in an ad. Whereas out of home, you don't have a choice. you're given this creative to consider and you might strongly disagree with what you're seeing in the world but it makes you think sometimes because you aren't just in your own siloed targeted ad space.

Rick Robinson: So there's that engagement that happens when you're out in the public space. there's this concurrence you're seeing it with everybody else, which is different than normal. And as you noted refreshing,…

Kelsey Bernert: Yeah.

Rick Robinson: I want to back up to a word you use. That agencies and creative people need to have a responsibility with out of home and to the public space. Can you get under that for a second?

Kelsey Bernert: I can. Yeah I mean there's a couple pieces to that The first one that immediately comes to mind is I have a four year old and an eight year old and they are out with me in cities or on transit. I live in Seattle and so there's very advertising. There's billboards and what creatives are putting in the world. It's not just those target audiences that are seeing it, children are seeing it, diverse populations are seeing it. And so I think the best creative teams have that empathy towards not just target audience,…

Rick Robinson: Mm-hmm

Kelsey Bernert: but respecting the space, it will be in and those surrounding communities. and so I think, the best out of home really factors in everyone, I mean right like Such an aware,…

Rick Robinson: Yeah, sure by definition.

Kelsey Bernert: And so I think just being respectful to space and everyone that's seen it like you as a creative team need to understand that home is so powerful in that way.

Rick Robinson: I understand the gravitas of that,…

Kelsey Bernert: yeah.

Rick Robinson: that tactic that arrow in your quiver, so to speak. All right, look, I'd love talking. We could keep talking but I want to you, we've heard it Kelsey. Out of home is refreshing. And it's powerful when done responsibly.

Kelsey Bernert: We? Could.

Rick Robinson: And you understand the might of the media, right? You understand.

Kelsey Bernert: Yeah.

Rick Robinson: It's impact on everybody in the public space, thank you very much for your time. Take care of yourself and have a great day.

Kelsey Bernert: Thank you, Rick. Thanks for having me.

Rick Robinson: Absolutely.


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