OOH Uncut Podcast: Esben Elmøe
Esben Elmøe, CEO & Founder, AllUnite.com, joins host Rick Robinson, CEO, PJX Media, on OOH Uncut, the 5-minute podcast featuring leaders in the Out of Home advertising world discussing OOH media industry topics.
November 13, 2023
Out Ease of Buying and Transparency: The main challenge hindering the growth of out-of-home media lies in the lack of ease of buying and transparency in pricing. Elmøe emphasizes the need for a simplified, one-click purchasing process similar to online platforms like Amazon and social media advertising.
Real-time Accountability and Speed to Market: Elmøe highlights the importance of real-time accountability and speed to market in the out-of-home industry. He suggests that the industry needs to move towards faster planning and execution, providing advertisers with the ability to adjust and optimize their campaigns rapidly. Countries like Brazil, with a higher percentage of digital screens and functional companies, are cited as examples of successful advancements in this direction.
Esben Elmøe Discussion on OOH Uncut Podcast with Rick Robinson
Rick Robinson: Hello, everybody. This is Rick Robinson again, with PJX Media and another episode Out of Home Unut. Today's guest is Esben Elmøe. Esben is the CEO and co-founder of All United. They're from Denmark and what they're doing is a very exciting new take on measuring out of home. Essentially, bringing digital metrics to our medium, very cool stuff. I recommend you look into it but today what we're going to talk about is the industry as a whole, first of all. Say hello Esben.
Esben Elmøe: Hi, Rick and nice for letting me be on this great podcast that you're running. I'm looking forward to this short discussion on the 5% market, why it's not moving on the out of home industry.
Rick Robinson: I'm looking forward to it too. And so you got some of my question there and then I'll just restate it. there's so many exciting things happening in our industry better measurement. Quicker, speed to market faster production. Big beautiful inventory out there. A lot of exciting digital formats the gravitas and buzz of our ability to impact social media and propel and amplify other media. I mean so many exciting things yet as you noted. In the US and globally were kind of At 5% market, share. And my question for everybody in Season 2 So why is that?
Esben Elmøe: as I think it's a lot of reasons actually, but the main reason is still what I call ease of buying. When you look at the traditional success of Amazon, on one click shopping, you see that you can buy advertising on Google and Facebook. It's still a one-click shopping and I have this method for in terms of a gas You have our home gas station, you still need to call them. Discuss prices and arrange when you can actually come with your car and get the gas on your car. And then you have the digital still where you just passed by pave the credit The ease of payment and transparency in the market still lacks in our home business. The small elements of it
Esben Elmøe: but you need to move into an area where you basically can with one click behind the screen by the advertising, get it on the screens on all these fantastic locations without a home industry have And basically have the opportunity to basically get second. Chosen advertising. After digital check out because you have the presence,…
Rick Robinson: but,
Esben Elmøe: you have the impacts, you have everything but you don't have the ease of buying and you don't have the transparency on pricing. let's,
Rick Robinson: So what I'm hearing from you. If we could do it faster, we would move up the priority on the food chain.
Esben Elmøe: Yeah, because episode, we're not sitting on the other side, buying appetizing you're always behind on your budgets, to reach the September goals, or the November goals, and you want to ramp up your marketing. And It's not fully planned. I need to reach my target on 10 million USD target revenue this month or a similar. And you're behind numbers and you want to ramp up and you want to click to ramp up very fast, and you want to see you advertising, you want to drive people to your products, to your website. And when you have to plan, It doesn't it it's much harder and the next part is also, you want to see the consumption of your advertising. You want to make sure it all the time. You want to see it. And our home advertising still you go into a fashion store but you don't actually fully know what you put in the basket.
Esben Elmøe: And in digital, exactly, this cool T-shirt you're looking at it and…
Rick Robinson: So you speaking to like,…
Esben Elmøe: you want to pay more money for it.
Rick Robinson: more real-time accountability essentially,…
Esben Elmøe: Yeah, that
Rick Robinson: So what you're saying here is speed to market ease and real-time accountability and seems like we have bits and pieces of that. How do we get there as an industry?
Esben Elmøe: we know the United thinking we're moving a lot in this area in a lot of countries. Actually some of the brick countries is actually moving much faster than traditional one in us and Europe they don't have so much legacy. Also, in terms and a lot of them have also a higher percentage of digital screens. They're moving very fast at the moment in this direction, but putting all the pieces together. it's bits and pieces, but very few places is actually put the whole food chain together.
Rick Robinson: So you speak to legacy kind of slowing down, putting all those bits and pieces together where have the pieces been put together? where is this working in the most ideal state?
Esben Elmøe: I actually think Brazil where they actually have a market share on 10% of the outer home. Industry is moving really fast at the moment in this area. And that's a few other countries. Also, coming up at the moment and taking this big leap into next generation. The example of Priscilla, I think total half like 65,000 digital screens.
Rick Robinson: Here, right? it's interesting with Brazil because I recall that the world out of home Congress and Lisbon in June, Brazil was known as having I think that largest market share. Of any major country. And what's interesting there is that they do have a legacy history without a home, so somehow they were able to overcome that. And in unify those screens into the speed speed and precision model.
Esben Elmøe: I think it's also because there's a lot of functional companies as well in Brazil pushing the markets in new categories, etc. And so that has also been huge part of driving the business in our home business. Yeah.
Rick Robinson: So the supply side unifying is what you're saying? Yeah. Yeah. look, we could keep talking about this forever. I see this on every single episode but we want to get these nuggets out there. We want to get people thinking how we get past the 5% share that we're a little bit stuck at is focusing again on ease speed, real time, accountability. Which requires letting go of some legacy and unifying on the supply side. So we can act in concert together. So we can act in harmony All is one voice. As when I thank you for your time. I thank you for everything. Your company is doing for the industry and take care.
Esben Elmøe: Thank you, Rick. Thank you.