OOH Uncut Podcast: David “Shingy” Shing
David Shing, Digital Prophet, Shingy, joins host Rick Robinson, CEO, PJX Media, on OOH Uncut, the 5-minute podcast featuring OOH advertising experts from the media world.
December 11, 2023
Out-of-Home Needs Better Connective Tissue: David Shing emphasizes that the out-of-home industry is stuck at 5% market share because it lacks effective connectivity between physical and digital experiences. The challenge lies in creating a seamless and memorable connection for consumers.
Focus on Storytelling and Ecosystem Integration: Shingy suggests that out-of-home advertising should move beyond mere frequency and embrace storytelling. The goal is to make the out-of-home experience an integral part of consumers' daily lives, resonating with their needs and desires throughout the day.
David “Shingy” Shing Discussion on OOH Uncut Podcast with Rick Robinson
Rick Robinson: Hello, everybody Rick Robinson here with PJX Media and yet another fun-filled episode of ut. Today's guest doesn't come from the out of home world. It comes from another world perhaps. Today's guest is Shingy. And he is the very well known Digital Prophet. I'm thrilled to have you say hello to everybody.
David Shing: Hi Rick. Thanks for having me brother. Happy Friday.
Rick Robinson: Happy Friday. Here's the question. Why is out of home with …
David Shing: Yes, sir.
Rick Robinson: I call the Great Stuff happening without a digital measurement gravitas all that so much happening without a home that even AI is faking out of home now and that's become a discussion the photo So…
David Shing: boy.
Rick Robinson: why is it stuck at 5% market share? Why hasn't it grown more?
David Shing: It's stuck at 5% market share. but I have two questions to ask.
Rick Robinson: yeah,
David Shing: I'll ask that question with the question real quick. does it deserve to grow?
Rick Robinson: We all think it does and that's why we're asking the question. …
David Shing: Okay, so…
Rick Robinson: we have
David Shing: if it does deserve to grow then in my humble opinion my man very frankly.
Rick Robinson: yep.
David Shing: It hasn't got it. Consciousness around connecting the ecosystem of a person wandering by a physical experience in most cases to the device that they're staring at to look at that digital experience. there's not enough takeaway if you're buying time for somebody who's spending eight hours. thumbing through a screen There's certainly not standing in shocking or in front of those screens today better known as out of home.
David Shing: So it's going to grow in terms of what are we talking about more places and spots and dots are we talking about revenue and I'm not asking you that as a physicist question and I'm asking that sort of from a mindset because look if it's going to grow in terms of dwell time if it's gonna grow in terms of revenues, so it gets share of voice for media dollars it have to have a better connective tissue. And I know that you're probably quite bullish on the idea of these stunty style out of homes, like the 3D
David Shing: Parallax experiences, which I think are actually amazing. The problem is we can only enjoy them for a little while. I prefer the outer home where I can wander on and say Monday somebody happens to be on a scaffold and on Thursday. It's an experience. It's been painted by hand by somebody and somebody's time lapsed it or whatever for me. There isn't enough for How It's Made what the experience is and how I take it away to be very fair because 5% To me a bloody low ball to be frank. Depending on What's That 5% Are we talking about Revenue? Because that's probably what your question is. Is it revenue or…
Rick Robinson: it's totally revenue and…
David Shing: is it your voice is a growth is it? Yeah.
Rick Robinson: And just that add some feedback, the footprint about of More spots and dots so to speak the capacity is continuing to grow. With the conversion to digital you're seeing more and…
David Shing: Yes, sir.
Rick Robinson: more of it and it's sexy looking right. It's becoming more integrated with the environment it lives in the challenge is how does the revenue follow that and what you're speaking to is, somebody said something interesting to me last year. She called out of home a way in as opposed to being in the way which happens with other media quite often. So what you're suggesting here is that we've got to do a better job of finding a way in from that message someone sees with Serendipity out on the street that might add a moment to their day. But how does that resonate and become a measurable action? Is that where you're going?
David Shing: Absolutely, but then how's it also become part of what its ethos is it's part of somebody's energy. Particularly when it's done take Subways. For example, if your goal is digital screens and those digital screens connect with me as I wander through the subway that makes me feel like I'm involved with the experience and when I get to the subway terminal itself.
Rick Robinson: he
David Shing: And it do something for me. I mean we've seen those amazing things where we've just seen, raps on trains and that's great, but can it all connect in a way that feels like it's a story that continues because if it's just a two second three second bump for me. It's going to be as effective.
David Shing: As display ads dude, and if you don't get a 0.000% return on that I'd be flabbergasted. So what I'm looking for in my mind particularly as a consumer of those Medias is something that feels like the experience has a hold on me and allows me to take it away. So it feels like part of my ecosystem and when I think about an ecosystem, it's a day in the life of Somebody's needs and desires. So if I wake up in the morning my need to accomplish something is very very different than my two o'clock in the afternoon.
David Shing: So we have digital out of home. We can obviously do day parting and that's only part of it. But what is it doing in the ecosystem it needs and that's where I think it's just connected people think it's just another place to put a frequency and I don't actually think that's right. I think it's far more of a story and when those stories are and it's not step and repeat story. I love wild postings. Don't get me wrong and there's a frequency to that and there's a Vibe about that but it's not about a step and repeat for me. It's about how do I actually do it that allows somebody to say, A last part B part part time. All of those things start to tell a story because we know that people are actually navigating through this out experience. Now, I understand it's incredibly hard to do. So forgive me because I come in and say why aren't you doing it? Because it's bloody hard to do.
David Shing: It's impossible to do it's almost like Choose Your Own Adventure find your own treasure map. But the truth is it is very very different than the dynamic of a mobile phone experience. That that's just going into this place where I can waste a lot of time and we talk about it wasting time. Nobody says that a digital outdoor or outdoor generally is wasting anybody's time. I don't think if they are that's b****. It's not wasting people's time. It should be complementing the experience in the context of it. So whether it's Urban or rural, it should be incredible experience.
Rick Robinson: Alright in a can be so the takeaway here. Is that out of home in and of itself creates the moments? The disconnect actors were not landing in people's lives and staying with them right being with them.
David Shing: Yeah, and when there's very very good experiences, people are gonna take a snap of it. They're gonna share it socially…
Rick Robinson: yeah.
David Shing: which is part of the value all of those examples. Also, you've done a great job when somebody bloody rips down your poster. You…
Rick Robinson: Yeah, sure.
Rick Robinson: I mean look everybody loves a great piece out of home and…
David Shing: .
Rick Robinson: everybody has their billboard story and everyone's I remember this it's like landmarks or buoys in their life. Shingy, this is awesome. Thank you for your hard-hitting feedback,…
David Shing:
Rick Robinson: which you always give right to the point. It's a great takeaway. I'm sure everybody's gonna want to hear it you go.
David Shing: I love you quick hits man.
Rick Robinson: Enjoy your Friday afternoon. I love the quick hits. We'll have more thank you.
David Shing: I appreciate you.
Rick Robinson: Enjoy your day.
David Shing: Thanks, brother.
Rick Robinson: Be safe. And I love your pink hat. No one will know what I'm talking about. Take care of me be good.
David Shing: See you mate.