Let’s Play Ball
The Project X Newsletter: Volume XXXIII
Hello world! That’s how I feel right now; jubilation describes my mood at this current juncture. The weather here in the northeast couldn’t be better, sunshine is abundant, the temperature is 65+ and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. Ah, breathe in deep and savor it, we are finally back, at least for some. The struggle continues globally with the pandemic, but alas there is hope. It makes me think, what was your favorite thing pre-pandemic to do on a Saturday or Sunday? I know, I know it depends on the season, but let’s think about right now, April, the month of ‘blooming’.
I can remember going to opening day at Shea Stadium, and then Citi Field for 9 years in a row. That was my sign of Spring, it was glorious. A Nathan’s hot dog, cold beer, the sound of the fans, the crisp but gentle spring air. We all can remember those times we long for, and they are coming soon! Let’s take a minute while we have it to appreciate the days behind us, no matter how difficult, and look forward to the endless possibilities the future holds.
Market Update: Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
Greetings from the Great State of Texas, where everything is bigger and better (at least Texans tend to think so), the BBQ is plentiful and the Cowboys are still trying to win a playoff game. Dallas is a city that hasn’t been hit as hard by the pandemic as other markets. It’s been over a month since Governor Abbott lifted the mask mandate and opened the state up 100%. As the general public continues to get vaccinated, Covid cases have decreased, and consumers are increasing their outdoor activity. With the state open, all businesses are operating at full capacity. The Texas Rangers were the first sports team to hold a sporting event with full attendance since the pre-pandemic days.
From an economic standpoint, Dallas/Fort Worth is #1 in the country for total job growth and #2 for percent job growth. DFW is home to 24 Fortune 500 companies. Companies continue to relocate to the Texas market to take advantage of the tax incentives offered and the lack of state taxes. DFW is adding 322 new residents each day.
What does this mean for the OOH world? Inventory is hot and getting very lean across most OOH formats forcing media owners to increase rates to meet supply/demand. If you’re not familiar with the Dallas/Fort Worth market (or DFW as we residents like to call it), DFW is a great OOH market! The DFW metroplex consists of Dallas and Fort Worth. The two cities couldn’t be more different. Let’s talk about each one and break down the OOH scene in each city.
Dallas is a very urban market when compared to Forth Worth. Digital/Static roadside bulletins are a staple in the OOH scene and are very abundant throughout the city and suburbs along two major highways and multiple tollways. Downtown Dallas is full of large format wallscapes, along with a cool digital network that is displayed throughout the area. If you’re looking for fresh food, you can hit up the Farmers market which has several unique bulletins and a digital network of it’s own. From a transit perspective, The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) is the area’s public transportation system and includes a bus and train network. Both modes of transportation offer full wraps, king wraps and other great opportunities to get your message in front of the metroplex. Do you want airports?? We have those too! Including Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, which is currently one of the busiest airports in the world and the headquarters of American Airlines. DFW is located about 25 minutes from downtown Dallas. Love Field, the other area airport, is located just minutes from downtown and the home to Southwest Airlines. Both Airports offer a variety of digital networks, high-impact static placements, and exteriors to elevate your brand.
Forth Worth (AKA Funky Town) is the home of the largest stockyards in the US. You may run across a cow crossing the street. Don’t worry… completely normal in Fort Worth. The OOH scene is a bit different with roadside bulletins being the primary OOH format in the market. Fort Worth offers public transportation with Trinity Metro. This bus fleet offers a variety of ways to reach your target audience with wraps and kings.
If you’re looking to secure OOH space in this thriving metroplex, move quickly. We’re happy to help!
We will continue to provide updates on various markets across the country in the coming weeks, and if you ever have specific questions, you can always reach out to hello@pjxmedia.com.
Out-of-Home Spotlight: Design Tip #4
Create a high contrast design. Use a dark background color with light colored text. The dark background will absorb the surrounding light allowing the light colored text to pop.
Satisfy your "Crazy Feta" craving at CAVA
Half Man, Half Myth, All IPA plus Superb Contrast - Voodoo Ranger IPA
Campaign Freeze Frame
Lash Slick: The Movie - Glossier
Better Wi-Fi = Better Movie Nights - Google Fiber
Lighthearted Wines lighting up Columbus
News & Views
Billboards in major cities aim to bring more people, jobs to Ohio (via Local 12)
Some eye-catching billboards in Manhattan, including Times Square, are trying to convince New York business executives to relocate their headquarters to Ohio.
Supporters buy billboards to thank law enforcement (via 6 News)
Truck driver compelled to buy billboards to thank law enforcement because “they are always there when we need them”.
Billboards in Dayton highlight importance of using a crosswalk (via Dayton Daily News)
Dayton Children’s Hospital is placing six billboards featuring a baby chick crossing the road throughout Dayton to emphasize the importance of using a crosswalk when crossing the road when walking and biking to school.