OOH Cynosure Case Study


Sculpsure, a fat freezing procedure/product executed by physicians wanted to reach potential consumers within 30 lb's of their ideal healthy weight who struggle with "problem areas". It's non invasive and less expensive than going under the knife, with similar results. Sculpsure wanted to drive local uptake of its treatment lifting brand awareness, perception and trust metrics with consumers in priority and secondary markets through 2017.


A data-driven approach was deployed with quarterly campaigns based on results from the previous quarter, using data to inform decisions on spend, channel allocation and creative. Established KPI’s were set with campaign success metrics including an increase in site visitation (cost per site visit), a percentage lift/CPA benchmark (cost per lead), increased online searches for Physicians (conversion rate) and overall improved brand awareness and perception metrics. PJX used ADstruc’s proprietary data to optimize the selection of OOH formats and placements across the different audience segments that met eligibility requirements and POI’s (doctor offices that offered the procedure).


Over the course of the integrated campaign, markers varied. 1Q/’17 used a combination of Outdoor, Street Furniture and Digital Place-Based media (on screens in selected health clubs) in 8 Tier 1 Markets. A broader market list including Canada was included in 2Q due to the success of 1Q activity (14 markets overall). The campaign achieved 714MM impressions with LA and NY resulting in the top performing markets (146.6MM & 121.6MM impressions respectively). Fitness screens and Bus Media were the most efficient with the latter helping to provide a presence in pockets where OOH was zoned out, limited or cost prohibitive. Among health club goers, brand awareness increased 44% with a purchase consideration lift of 80%.


Josh Cellars


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