Reaching Travel Audiences: OOH Campaigns That Convert
The Project X Newsletter: Volume XLVII
Saturday November 13th was “World Kindness Day”. Now that thanksgiving is approaching, it is the perfect time to continue that kindness not only towards others but also yourself.
These past two years haven’t been the easiest so it is important that we take care of ourselves. Some ways we can do that is by simply drinking more water, being active, or going to sleep earlier.
We can put ourselves first by saying “no” more. At this time of year it is impossible to be everywhere at once. With the stress of holiday shopping and preparing for family gatherings, we sometimes forget we also need to make time for ourselves.
When it comes to other people, there are so many ways we can show kindness. Donate to a charity, call a family member you haven’t talked to in a long time, spend more quality time with family, and so much more.
So, this thanksgiving, give to your family, give to your friends, give to strangers, but please don’t forget to give to yourself.
Out-of-Home Update: Consumer Travel Plans
A year ago at Thanksgiving, the vast majority of the country was staying home or only hosting/visiting select people within a close circle due the extenuating circumstances of the global pandemic. Fast forward to this year, and with all the positive strides we’ve made combatting the virus we can now feel a bit more comfortable spending time with friends and family. We can also feel more comfortable traveling around others, like hitting the road for regional trips or jumping back on airplanes for longer distance voyages. In fact, according to new research from the OAAA & Harris Poll, COVID is no longer standing in the way of most future consumer travel this winter. Nearly half of travelers (48%) are saying that they have either already made travel plans for the first half of 2022 or intend to do so in short order once they decide on a destination. In comparison, just 27% of adults say they are waiting to see what happens with COVID before working out a plan for their winter travel.
This is extremely encouraging from an OOH perspective as more and more consumers get out to enjoy the places and experiences they’ve missed over the past two years. According to the same study, the number of travelers willing to hop on a plane during the first half of 2022 has more than doubled since the 2020 holiday season, up from 24% to 51%. This perfectly aligns with what we’ve seen from a demand/occupancy standpoint, especially within the airport/in-flight environment. Inventory across the top (25) airports nationally has reached near sell-out levels through the end of 2021, and we expect this to continue through the first quarter of 2022.
When analyzing travel on the regional/local level, we are seeing similar trends. According to the OAAA, 43% of Americans say that their local travel plans will either return to normal or even increase. Over a quarter (27%) report their travel plans will be similar to pre-COVID times, albeit with more of a focus on trips closer to home – an increase from the 19 percent who said the same during the winter of 2021). Furthermore, 11 percent plan to increase the number of trips they take and the distance they travel compared to 9% at this time last year.
With more people traveling this holiday season, out-of-home media continues to be a critical touch-point for brands looking to reach a desirable audience on the move. Demand for OOH has been on the rise since the summer, and shows no signs of slowing as we make the push through Thanksgiving and the winter holidays and into 2022.
If you’d like to learn more about programmatic OOH by speaking with our team of strategists & planners, please reach out to
Out-of-Home Spotlight: Font Size
Font size is extremely important to readability and the comprehension of your advertising message. You want your audience to be able to read your OOH media from the greatest distance which will increase their exposure time and comprehension. Below is a chart showing your audience’s distance range from various OOH media formats and the minimum font size recommended for the highest degree of readability.
Campaign Freeze Frame
Enjoy your lunch at the Bloc Party where you can catch this beautiful GitLab Billboard.
Gitlab in LAX is tough to miss.
As you walk through LAX, you cannot miss these GitLab digital posters.
News & Views
The Winning Secrets to Successful Out-of-Home Advertising- Via AdWeek Volvo and Collosal Media share their expertise on OOH describing ways to connect with consumers in an authentic way and encourage companies to stand out from the crowd.
6-story LED display near Boston showcases art, sparks conversation- Via Digital Signage Today With the goal of stirring up meaningful chatter and positive conversation, local artists in Somerville, Massachusetts created a 6-story LED display along Assembly Row called, “The Conversation”.
Edison Interactive, Atmosphere hit golf courses with streaming TV- Via Digital Signage Today Edison Interactive is partnering with Atmosphere to create, “a new type of video experience,” providing streaming TV in golf carts on more than 350 golf courses around the U.S.